This is the first animated TV series of the popular manga Black Jack. Basically, it is a faithful production of the original but some adjustments were made in the plots and depiction of surgical scene...
The Order of Operations / The Missing Needle
The Ant's Legs
Playing Doctor
The Sixth-Magnitude Man
A Teacher and a Pupil
White Lion
The Miracle Arm
Legend of the Phoenix
The Gift from a Killer Whale
Give My Brother Back!
A Pirate's Arm
Move, Solomon
The Fabricated Wedding
Missing Pinoko
The Idol Who Lost Her Voice
Mail Friends
Good Luck, Kowa Clinic
The Sage of Yamate Line
First Storm of Spring
Pinoko's Plans for Adulthood
Love after the Downpour
A Challenge called Avalanche
Cholera Uproar
Abacus Genius
Tragedy of an Ultra-fine Room
Wilderness Epidemic
The Life-Arranging Flower
Operation in the Midst of Thunder Clouds
20th Year Implication
The Blue Sea's Fear
Invader from the Sky
Shaking Operating Room
Jack Hospital
Misaki's House is Incomplete
Iruka and Gang
Challenge to an Unknown Person
War Will Continue
Doll and Policeman
Operation and A Movie's Miracle
Life's Misdiagnosis
Pinoko's Birth
Merry Drinker's Classmates
Cultural Festival Bodyguard
Snow Field's Violin
Robin Boy
The Carbuncle (The Face Affliction)
Brotherly Love
The Blind Doctor of Acupuncture
Infant's Balad
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Deceitful Parent and Child
The Platform of Life
The Skin Donor
Pinoko's Exam Diary
The Old Man and the Big Tree
Black Queen
The Encounter Between the Two with a Past
The Two Pinokos
Black Jack attempts to find out the conspiracy, of why he was involved in the bombfield accident that killed his mother. Together with Pinoko, they circles the globe in search of clues. Along the wa...