Season 1 revolves around a studious Dolly and her crush on Ritesh, and she has adventures with her best friend Parminder, nicknamed Pam. Sunny frequently challenges the nosy neighbour Roli Aunty, whil...
Study Date
Up a tree!
Baby Come back!
Dinku Double
Nikki did it!
The Curious Case of Mr. Surinder
Take Narendra Tauji to Cricket Match
Dance Off
Boys meet Girls
Nikki is 1!
Billi Butterfly The Cat
Dolly's Little Helper
Chunni Go Bye-Bye
Nikki Goes Viral
Singh's Got Talent
Kukkad Nukkad
Girl Bites Dog
Butt-Dialing Singhs
Dolly's Broken Heart Band
Dolly Rebounds
Summer Vacation (Part 1)
Summer Vacation (Part 2)
Nikki In Charge
Stolen Bike
Sleepless In Delhi
Dolly's Birthday
Season 2 shows Dolly dating her childhood nemesis Rahul, and Pam starts dating Rahul's best friend Jatin. Sunny has also started dating and tries to impress some of his classmates while maintaining hi...
Season 3 follows all of the children who have now grown up, and Himani who is pregnant again with a boy, whom they later name Bobby. Avatar is busy with work, while Sunny still indulges in pranks and...
Season 4 is the final of the series. All the characters had aged and Himani became pregnant again. Avatar struggles to arrange their older house and keeps the family in a one-room flat while waiting....