The Ancient Dogoo Girl is a Japanese comedy tokusatsu series directed by Noboru Iguchi, director of The Machine Girl and RoboGeisha. The show airs on MBS every Wednesday night at 25:25 JST. The ending theme is Denki Groove's "Dareda!". In October 2010, Dogoo Girl premiered its sequel The Ancient Dogoo Girls. The show adds five more Dogoo Girls portrayed by Misaki Momose, Rina Takeda, Manami Nomoto, Maria Yoshikawa, and Haruka Dan. The theme song for the sequel is "Bakuha Seyo! Dogoon V".
- Action & Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Erika Yazawa , Masataka Kubota , Romi Park , Rina Kirishima , Tokio Emoto , Takaya Kamikawa
- Noboru Iguchi
- Takuma Tosaka