Ritas Welt is a German television sitcom that premiered on RTL on 17 September 1999 and ended its run after five successful seasons on 19 December 2003. Starring Gaby Köster, the show was about a confident sales assistant, Rita Kruse; her fight with her self-righteous boss, Achim Schuhmann; and her life with her loving husband Horst and their two children, Sandra and Markus. Through it all, Rita is supported by her wacky best friend Gisi Wiemers.
- Comedy
- German
Cast & Crew
- Gaby Köster , Frank Vockroth , Franziska Traub , Lutz Herkenrath , Marius Theobald , Georg Alfred Wittner , Jasmin Schwiers , Dustin Semmelrogge
- Thomas Koch, Michael Gantenberg, Peter Freiberg
- Ulli Baumann