Young sports enthusiast, Yamato Hino hears voices calling out to him and during a thunderstorm he is brought to a parallel world. This world is the Kingdom Mu, under attack by the evil Dorado of the E...
Resurrection of the Legendary Giant
Fate of the Chosen One
Mystery of the Light Bearer
Mazinger's Secret
Prince Eld's Ambush
Save Aira!
Missing Mazinger
Hurry, Warrior Yamato!
Discovery of the Dinosaur Factory
The Terrible Secret
The Captive Aira
The Stolen Clue
Mazinger in Peril
The Terror of the Light Bearer
The Wandering Muvians
The Death of Muraji
Eld's Secret Base
The Miracle at the Bottom of the Sea
Do-or-Die Investigation in the Depths
Dorado's Fury
Yamato Versus Dorado!
Yamato is Dead?!
Yamato Versus Eld