In anticipation of the upcoming prefectural tournament, the members of the Samezuka Swim Club enthusiastically show off their individual abilities. At the Iwatobi Swim Club, an equally enthusiastic Gou proposes a lunchbox inspection to ensure the boys are getting the right nutrition to support their training. However...
- Animation, Comedy
- English, Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Nobunaga Shimazaki , Daisuke Hirakawa , Akeno Watanabe , Kenjiro Tsuda , Mamoru Miyano , Hiroshi Yanaka , Tatsuhisa Suzuki , Satsuki Yukino
- Susumu Okinaka, Yoko Kogawa, Yoko Hatta, Shinichi Nakamura, Masayuki Nishide, Shinichiro Hatta, Shunji Inoue, Shigeru Saito