Will the Real Gigantor Stand Up?
Ten Thousand Gigantors!
The Plot to Seize Gigantor!
The Space Submarine
Gigantor Who?
The Robot Olympics!
The Crossbones Caper!
Ransom at Point X!
The Gypsy Spaceship!
The Space Cats!
The Return of Magnaman!
Vanishing Mountain!
The Insect Monsters!
The City Smashers!
The Robot Firebird!
Magnaman of Outer Space!
The Robot Albatross!
Battle of the Robot Giants!
The Deadly Sting Rays!
Gigantor and the Desert Fire!
The Atomic Whale!
The Secret Formula Robbery!
The Evil Robot Brain!
The Devil Gantry
The Robot Arsenal!
Danger's Dinosaurs!