Years after the Great War, the Autobot prison ship Alchemor crashes on Earth near Crown City, sparking a mass Decepticon jailbreak. Meanwhile, on a rebuilt Cybertron, war veteran Bumblebee is now work...
Season 2 sees Bumblebee's team split into two groups: an "away team" to search the world for far-ranging Decepticons while Bumblebee, Strongarm, Grimlock, and Fixit hold down the fort near Crown City....
After defeating Starscream, Team Bee begins crossing paths with the Stunircons who can combine into Menasor. They must learn how to combine themselves to defeat the Stunitcons and other foes from the...
King of the Hill (1)
King of the Hill (2)
Sphere of Influence
Bee Cool
The Great Divide
Get A Clue
Out of the Shadows
Disordered Personalities
Guilty As Charged
The Golden Knight
The Fastest Bot Alive
Railroad Rage
Combine and Conquer
Moon Breaker
Breathing Room
Prepare for Departure
Prisoner Principles
Collateral Damage
Something He Ate
Sick As a Bot
Five Fugitives
Enemy of My Enemy
Freedom Fighters