PJ Masks follows three 6-year-olds, Connor, Amaya, and Greg, who lead relatively normal lives by day, where they are neighbours, classmates, and friends. However, at night, they become Catboy, Owlette...
Moonfizzle Balls
Soccer Ninjalinos
Lionel - Saurus
Catboy's Cuddly
Night of the Cat
Catboy Does It Again
Terrible Two-Some
Owlette’s Luna Trouble
Ninja Moths
Who’s Got the Owl Power?
PJ Pinball
Wacky Floats
Romeo’s Disguise
PJ Robot
PJ Power Up
Moonstruck: Race to the Moon
Moonstruck: Lunar Fortress
Robot's Pet Cat
Gekko, Master of the Deep
May the Best Power Win
Race Up to Mystery Mountain
The Mountain Prisoner
The Wolfy Kids
Catboy No More
Gekko vs. Splatcano
Meet Armadylan
Invisible Owlette
Wolfy Mountain
Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan
Nobody's Sidekick
Armadylan Menace
Power Pondweed
Owlette Comes Clean
Halloween Tricksters (1)
Halloween Tricksters (2)
The Wolfies Take HQ
The Good Wolfy
The Wolfy Plan
The Lizard Theft
PJ Dylan
Armadylan'd and Dangerous
Romeo's Action Toys
The dragon gong
Flight of the Ninja
Gekko and the Opposite Ray
PJ Masks vs. Bad Guys United
Easter Wolfies
Luna and the Wolfies