PJ Masks follows three 6-year-olds, Connor, Amaya, and Greg, who lead relatively normal lives by day, where they are neighbours, classmates, and friends. However, at night, they become Catboy, Owlette...
Moon Madness (1)
Moon Madness (2)
Armadylan and Robette Rule
Armadylan Zen
Way of the Woofy
PJ Comet
Glowy Moths
Teacher Goes Ninja
Robot Goes Wrong
Lionel's Powers
Best Friends Forever
Meet An Yu (1)
Meet An Yu (2)
Moon Prix
Pirates Ahoy!
The Secret of the Pagoda
Storm of the Ninja
Owlette Slips Up
The Splat Monster (1)
The Splat Monster (2)
Moth on the Moon
Fly Me to the Moon
Luna's Cosmic Tantrum
Motsuki the Best
Wheels of a Hero
Clash on Mystery Mountain
A Teeny Weeny Problem
Take Romeo Off the Road
Mission: PJ Seeker
Wolfy Powers
Do the Gekko
Armadylan Action Hero
Super Muscles Show Off
The Prank Wheelz
Where's the Wolf Wheelz?
Villain of the Sky-Protector of the Sky
Protector of the Sky
PJ Masks Save Christmas (Part 1)
PJ Masks Save Christmas (Part 2)
Romeo's Melody
PJ Robot Takes Control
PJ Sky Pirates
The Disappearing Ninjas
Gekko Everywhere
Gekko Takes Charge
Big Sister Motsuki
PJ Party Crasher
Master of the Moat
PJ Robot Vs Romeo