Beethes and Motes and Otowakan
Get It! Musik!
Cho-chan and Lisz-chan!
Wandering Kouhai
Jet-Black Gyoza
The First ClassicaLoids
Mountain King
Girls' Day Out
Beyond the Darkness
Jolly Love
At Least Do the Chores
J.S. Bach
Die Forelle
Claskey Klasky Breaks Up, Kanae Makes Her Debut
School Festival from Hell
Work! Beethes Motes
Mandarins! Mandarins! Fried Mandarins?!
MitsuruLoid and Gyouna-kun
Love, and You Shall Die
Mozart is the Name
A Discerning Man
The World of Eight Sounds (1)
The World of Eight Sounds (2)
Encore from the Skies