Ben 10 is the fifth iteration of the Ben 10 franchise. It serves as a reboot of the television series loosely based upon the original series.
Chicken In Chichen Itza Part 1: Pyramid Scheme
Chicken In Chichen Itza, Part 2: The Wages of Fear
Ben in Rome, Part 1: A Slice of Life
Ben in Rome, Part 2: The Bee's Knees
Gentle Ben
Summer Breakers
The Monsters in Your Head
Queen of Bees
Falls, Falls, Falls
The Greatest Lake
Mud on the Run
It's Story Time
Cosplay Day
Bottomless Ben
Tales from the Omnitrix
Party Poopers
Wind Some Lose Some
Digital Quality
Tim Buk-TV
Tokyo Fun Part 1: Big Bugg Bash
Tokyo Fun Part 2: Slamming It Up
Growing up is Hard to Do
The Hex Factor
Sweet Tooth
Medieval Upheaval
Speed of Sound
Xingo's World
Tummy Ache
Players of the Lost Park
Mock 10
Buktu The Future!