Angry Io Warrior
Trinity Base Surfaced
It's United towards Io
The Secret of Cosmo Zaurus
Jajama Rescue Operation
Small Intruder
Sortie on the Moon
Naughty Strategy
Survivors from Io
As a Doctor as a Father
Little Lover's Crisis
Discover the Enemy, Elder Star
Io Flowers Bloomed
Anger Showdown
Dangerous Gift
The Secret of Enemy General Teral
Giant Robot Buuer
Fearful Coalescence Scraps
Robot Cannot Start
Julie's Secret Savings
Break the Meteorite Siege
Without Returning to the Sky Thunder King
I saw a Phantom Fish
200 km to Io
Base Move Conmand
Cute Rebel
2,300 Enemies
Overture to the New Batfle
Look at the White Flag of the Earth
Full of Danger
Io Latest Information
Duel Over the Moon
Hell Stadium
Tears of Enemy General Teral
Teral Execution Day
My Julie's Sister
2,300 Years of Secrets
Departure to Io
Who is the Traitor
Deathly Mars
Birthday is Funeral Day
Martian Rebellion
Pick up Teral's Bone
Io Disappeared
Fight, Io's Earthlings
Declaration of Crazy Defeat
Dr. Kazami's Rebellion
Stand in the Land of Io
Tombstone Standing on Io
Departure for the Future