Sequel to the 2018 animated series SSSS.Gridman and the third installment of the Gridman multimedia franchise. When Yomogi Asanaka, a first-year student at Fujiyokidai High School, meets Gauma, he claims to be a "kaiju user." But the appearance of a kaiju followed by the entry of the gigantic robot, Dynazenon, backs up his mysterious words. After ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time; they get dragged into the desperate fight against the kaiju!
- Animation, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Junya Enoki , Chika Anzai , Daiki Hamano , Shion Wakayama , Yuuichirou Umehara , Jin Ogasawara , Mariya Ise , Hiroshi Kamiya
- Shinichi Nakamura, Takahiro Sasaki, Takehiko Aoki, Masahiro Onda, Naoki Koyama, Tomoyuki Ohwada, Ichiro Ikeda, Hiro Tanaka